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QUICK way to support your Child's Speech Sound Development During the Hustle & Bustle of the Holiday Season

We get it - the holiday season can be a whirlwind of joy and, well... sometimes a bit overwhelming! 😉 So, let's keep it brief. I've got ONE simple way for you to support your child's speech development during this bustling time of year.

Ready? Here it is: Set aside 5 minutes to ASK THEM.

Yep, just ask them how they feel about those sound errors. To make it super easy, here's a festive list of questions to consider:

  • "Do you notice when the speech sound comes out funny? Does it frustrate you?"
  • "Do friends have a hard time understanding you? Does that bug you?"
  • "Do you want to learn how to shape your mouth to say that sound?"
  • "Have you ever tried to say that sound differently? Do you want my help?"
  • "You are so good at a lot of sounds. Want to play a game with me where we start with a sound you’re good at and then shape it into that tricky one? (Reply to this email with the sound your child is working on, and I will give you a good starting point)"
  • "Do you know that a lot of kids are learning how to say sounds and that it’s okay to still be learning?"
  • "Did you know that the MOST important thing is that you keep trying to talk, even when it doesn’t always come out clear?"
  • "Do you feel like that sound is getting easier when you practice at school (in speech therapy)?"
  • "Is it hard to say that sound correctly? Show me where it feels hard?"
  • "Can you hear the difference between the way you say the ____ sound and the way that I am saying it now?"

These questions can provide valuable insight into your child's perspective and guide both of you as you move forward. It's all about increasing awareness! Give it a try.

And if this list sparks more questions on your end, please hit reply and let me know. I'm here to help, and no question is too silly.

Wishing you a joyful and speech-filled holiday season!

Sending Magic,


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